Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shhh’ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah. Don’t let someone steal your tenderness. Don’t allow the coldness and fear of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it’s a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, an article, a sentence, a footstep, feel it all – look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love.
I lovee this! It is soo me. I also love me some Zooey. This kind of reminds me of one of my guy friends. He says women lose their ‘tenderness’ at the age of 23. Therefore mine has been gone for almost 2 years now. I just won’t let it go lol.
· Anyways. I am finally free at last! Last weekend was my 6th weekend working in a row. I do not have another event for three weeks! I can’t express to you how ecstatic I am! What a great way to bring in April!
· I had multiple friends give me feedback from my last post. Brought up a lot of good dialogue. I appreciate it all ;) & to piggyback up off what I said here is "What Generation Overshare we can Learn from Biggie."
· This is probably one of the funniest tumblr’s I have EVER seen! Lmao
· This is probably one of the funniest tumblr’s I have EVER seen! Lmao
· I love when my coworker, Kayla, sends me an e-mail stating that she doesn’t feel it is an appropriate time to be hungry for lunch yet. She seriously cracks me up and I swear we are always on the same page! It is nice to be able to click with someone in the office especially since I spend 76% of my time here.
· Take this Ethan Allen quiz to find out your signature style. Mine is Romance (of course).
o The results are in – your Signature Lifestyle is Romance. Inspired by distinguished European furniture designs, Romance delivers bespoke charm minus the fuss. It’s a fresh take on pretty that harmoniously blends carved woods and handcrafted finishing details with dressmaker fabrics. Layers of rich texture, curvaceous silhouettes, and antiques-inspired accessories complete this enchanting look.
· Here is an update on how my 25 before 25 is going. (I really tried hard not to spend any money besides necessities for 2 weeks. It was extremely hard. But I think I put forth a great deal of effort)
· Interesting point of view on dating ‘intentionally’ & the ‘three date rule’ (brought up some interesting points that might lead into another post in the future. Hmm)
· I found this article stating how some of Hunger Game’s fans were disappointed in some of the characters. (racist). Not standing up for the comments made but I know sometimes when I do read a book and then a movie is made I get upset that the characters aren’t exactly like I pictured them.
· “What the Psychic Knew” funny, I found this article a few weeks ago and was saving it for a rainy day. But my good friend , Brynn, and I just recently has a long conversation about this. And how we believe. This article furthers my inclination. For my 25th birthday I hope she takes me to her guy. She listed way too many things that have come true in her life. I hope this finds you.
· You should seriously start every single day off like this! I love it!

I could keep going for days. I find links and just save them for a rainy day. But I think I have given you enough for today. I hope you all have a lovely week and enjoy the sunshine.
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