Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap, hump day?

Sooooo.... I am all over the place as of now. I'm blaming Leap Day! lol. And also the fact I have now been one week without twitter. Bla! And I am also in the process of moving offices (one with a window! yipppee) No, but I have been super busy at work trying to finish up this stuff for the Work Truck Show moving in this weekend. Two more people have left the company and this was one of their events and of course now it is mine. Next week I have to be here at like 6:00 AM EVERYDAY! So just a warning my posts might be a little on the angery side.

My week thus far:
1) My good friend from Cali sent me this picture this morning that totally made me day! Just look at this face! My entire photo album in my phone is compiled of her pictures!

2) I am glad I was able to find some clarification on a few things that were bothering me. People kill me.

3) Had a long conversations with one of my besties from high school about 'The Hunger Games', the movie & the book. We are both super duper excited for it to come out.

4) Even though my 25th birthday is not until June I found this dress last night that I think is perfect... It is red! #owww

5) I met with a financial advisor last week. (I can't remember if I told you guys this or not) I was asking him some questions and he made a good point, "rich people could care less about credit."

6) My Sister/best friend sent me this picture the other day that cracked me up & said it reminded her of me. haha. I was cracking up. Her birthday is this Saturday. What should I get her? ---->

7) It is 63 degress & sunny right now. I think I will eat my lunch outside. Yesterday my coworker and I went to the gym on our lunch break.

8) I'm excited to check out Kid Cudi's new CD WZRD. (I'm back on my Curren$y kick right now though.)

9) I need to send out Thank You notes to all my clients. I was really good about this when I first started but now I am terrible.

Oscars: My favs! (even though I fell asleep before it was over lol) What were some of your dest dressed & Favorite moments?

These are my favorite Oscar/Vanity Fair red carpeters (in order). I have been loving Kelly Osbourne's look lately & Miley Cyrus just blew me away! I also love love love Christopher Plummer's speeh when he won his award. It was sooo heartfelt! I now must see Hugo & The Descendants.  

Saturday, February 25, 2012

price vs. value.

This has been probably the most hectic week at work since I started in September. I do feel as though I got a lot accomplished. Of course my week is not over. I am here now at work. The NFL Combine is here in Indianapolis and I have like six events going on right now (they are all irritating my soul).This is also the first weekend of me working six weekends in a row #WOMP.

I know it is already Saturday but do you guys have any exciting plans for the weekend? Last night a couple friends and I went to Morty's Comedy Joint. There was a recent GroupOn for it so I thought why not! The first two acts were hilarious the headliner not so much. Then this morning I took the twins to see the sneak preview of 'The Lorax' in 3D. They enjoyed and as did I, although I was straining to stay awake. I can't wait to get off and crash.

Today is the 4th day of Lent and I'm still going strong. I have not been on Twitter/Facebook, eaten pork/beef (this is a lie: yesterday I was starving and got a flat bread sandwich from Subway. out of habit I asked for ham as soon as I was done I was like shit that was pork! not again though!) or fried potatoes or at the pasta place (the name is One South lol but I always call it 'The pasta place') I have also not taken one sip of alcohol! So I am going to stick with it! I know you only have to give up one thing but I chose multiple. I am also going to church tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. I never go consistently. I don't do a lot of things consistently But it is never too late. A few friends of mine knew I was giving up Twitter for Lent and called me saying that I have tweeted... Because i clicked for a few of my tumblr posts to go straight to my twitter. I don't really consider this tweeting since I have yet to be logged on. I'm not doing it for them I am doing it for myself so it should be on my terms. Not sure how I should go about this but we shall see.

A few other highlights from my week:

- Caught up with one of greatest friends, Brynn. I don't like using the term "best friend" but she is close. She understands my #Fluff lol. One day a few weeks back we were texting and she goes, "When I get married you will be one of my bridesmaids." And I responded that I was thinking the same thing about her. She is def ALWAYS there for me! We def. have a special bond.
<--- Pic from Purdue University Homecoming 2011

- I was driving to work one day this week and saw a young man walking with track shoes around his neck and he stopped to give a homeless man some cash (and it was more than just one single). This touched me. He was walking, close to the highway, but still was giving to those less fortunate.

- I was able to cross off one of my 25 before 25 things! I finally finished The Hunger Games series!

- A few lessons we can learn from Jermey Lin before we go back to work on Monday.

- I lovee to see my friends succeeding! Check out my childhood friend Ethan W. & girlfriends younger brother, Peter new video for 'Beverly Official'.

- Wouldn't you just LOVE to live here. This is my number one place I want to visit before I die.

- Check out this cool, creative video dedicated to Steve Jobs

Oh yea, Oscars this weekend! Who do you look forward to seeing on the Red Carpet? Who do you want to win?

"... Know your worth & value don't give out any discounts!"


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Que sera, sera

Each time I'm going to start writing a blog post I sit here for a second trying to think of a title that is fitting to what I'm going to write about. Today I neither know what I will write or a three to five words to sum up the post. I have a few articles already selected that I would like to share but not sure which part of me I should give you today. Needless to say I am feeling some kind of way. I don't really know how to define this. I will just say not content with my current state and I will leave it at that.

I've been feeling pretty crappy the past few days. I think some kind of sinus thing going on. This is probably due to the multiple nights spent being zonked out by Nyquil (my cure for everything). Today is the first day I have felt half way decent and of course I'm spending it at work.
I think I am one of those people that gives too much and expects a lot in return. Or I just care too much. I've found myself recently caring about the wrong things and not focused on what is important. I'm sure you can sense my vagueness which is on purpose. Like I said, I give too much at times.

& now I'm pissed. I had finished the entire post and of course it did not save correctly : /

Ok. I guess I will start from where I left off. Today is Fat Tuesday, are you celebrating? What are YOU giving up for Lent? I have thought about this for awhile now. As of now this is what I am giving up, still unsure though. I have until midnight to decide:
- twitter/facebook
- alcohol
- beef/pork
- my fav pasta place (I go wayy too much!)
- french fries (anything potato like chips & such)

I talked with a friend today about Lent and asked what they were giving up. Here is their response,
" belief is that the purpose of giving something up for Lent is to give it up and essentially give it up for more than just that phase of time. I'm just trying my best to get closer to God in a whole. i've given a few things up recently as well as reduced others. It sometimes seems like people just give things up just to say they did, that's not the purpose, it's to put away Idols and focus more time on God. I think that gets lost a lot."
- I agree.

Check out Caitlin Sullivan's blog! She is a friend of mine from grade school. I remember spending an entire summer with her at the pool all day & movies in the evening this was our routine for an entire summer going into the 7th/8th grade. Now look, she is a wonderful local photographer. I can't wait to have an event or a special occasion to have her come and capture the moment. Check out these few tips she has given about blogging.

Caitlin has also recommended we follow these lovely ladies.

Check out Tiara Thomas new song Bad/Some Cut

Are you addicted to lip balm/gloss? I know I am! I can't go anywhere with out my Blistex DTC! I go to the bathroom, kitchen, and it sits on my night stand. I pretty much have a panic attack whenever I lose it. Dr. Oz says this is a problem! To keep them lips soft click here.  

Check out this WSJ article on why we pair up with emotional opposites in relationships.
I know many of you did not attend Purdue University nor know the impact Dr. Bell made on it's campus. Dr. Bell has made a huge impact on the African American community still today at Purdue. A recent situation has risen that was taken lightly by campus officials. I'm glad a few of my peers have taken the time to not let it be thrown under the bus and brought to light. Read more about Dr. Bell and the recent events here.

I think this is all I blogged about. I really can't remember : / #hmph I thought of a title. It means "whatever will be, will be."

I will leave you with some Carrie Bradshaw knowledge:
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want and just see what happens.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do we perceive beauty?

This is so awesome. Please take a moment to read:

A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work. 

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing? 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

Sooo... How was your week? Mine was EXTREMELY busy! I had so much catching up to do from the Super Bowl. I am glad the week is finally coming to an end & I actually have the whole weekend off and even thinking about taking Monday off! This has been a pretty trying week as well. I had expectations for a few things that did not go as planned. But Such is life.

I had a great business lunch with my uncle today & have a meeting with a financial advisor next Wednesday. So good things are coming near.

Do you have plans for the weekend?
I really don't have anything planned. Tonight getting my hair did then probably out for some drinks w/ a few people. Other than that I hope to just relax, finish this book so I can mark off another 25 before 25 task! (I'm not doing so hot on my list - I need to get on that). I still have 4 more months!

I guess with all this being said I will leave you with some cool links to check out over the weekend.

- The Law of Career Attraction: Get Seduced. This is pretty interesting especially (I need to work on NOT abbreviated that word) if you are young and not sure which direction you would like to take your career.

We are all a piece of the same puzzle- Everyone should for sure check out Janae Rogers, JustPieces. Pretty talented, gorgeous young lady. I support!
Guided to deliver pieces of useful everyday lifestyle gadgets to shape a image of what life is made of. Established in February 2010, JustPieces has been created to give a wide range of what life can be like from different aspects such as : lifestyle, advice, reality, sense of style, and sound. 
- Love Liz, Sequins & Stripes: DVF Spring 2012! Love love love the color sequance.

- I really would like to try this Apple Tart Recipe.

- Check out the latest from NYFW.

- OMG! Check out Jordan Britt! Her voice is A-MAZing! This is her cover/mashup of Whitney Houston's 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' & Aaliyah's 'Are You That Somebody'. I love it! (I love when I find a good cover :)

- Did you watch the Grammy's? Can't remember if I mentioned this yet or not but I simply LOVED Rihanna & Coldplay's performance! Take another look here!

I hope you all have a fabolus weekend. It is supposed to be super sunny here! I can't wait!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Can't get out of this mood"

Good afternoon folks!

How was your Valentine's Day? Mine was decent. I hadn't spoken to my significant other since Saturday so I had no idea what to expect of the day. I woke up with good spirits though. I had no reason to be bitter or fret; it really is just another day. Around 4pm my coworker called and asked if I could come in her office. I walked in and she had a dozen roses displayed on her desk, she stated they were for me. (she was pissed) lol. I had no idea who they were from. Jean, (my boyfriend/lover/whatever we call ourselves at the moment) is by far the least romantic person in life. But they were from him & had a note to meet him at harry & izzy’s at 7pm. In my head I’m like shit well I need to get him a card at least now (which I forgot to give him) opps. So I went, early, per usual. And a song came across their speakers. I was unaware of what it was so I quickly grabbed my phone and typed in the lyrics. It was Nina Simone singing Frank Sinatra’s, ‘Can’t Get Out of This Mood’. (actually I’m not sure who originally sung the song) but it just seemed fitting in my moment of waiting.

All day long before my eyes come little visions of you,
They shouldn't, they mustn't, but they do.
Can't get out of this mood,
Can't get over this feeling,
Can't get out of this mood,

Last night your lips were appealing,
The thrill should have been all gone by today, in the usual way,
But it's only your arms that I'm out of.
Can't get out of this dream
What a fool to dream of you,
Twasn't part of my scheme to sigh and tell you that I love you,
But now I'm saying it, I'm playing it dumb,
Can't get out of this mood,
Heartbreak here I come.

I can't get over this feeling,
Last night your lips were appealing,
The thrill should have been all gone by today, in the usual way,
But it's only your arms that I'm out of.
What a fool to dream of you,
To sigh and tell you that I love you,
But now I'm playing it, now I'm playing it dumb,
I can't get out of this mood,
Heartbreak, heartbreak here I come

As of late I have been listening to a lot of Sinatra. He just seems to say all of the right things esp. what I’m feeling at the moment. So my evening was well spent with good conversation, food was great. After we departed, of course I receive a few texts that ruined everything from earlier. But that is pretty much the sum of our relationship. Inconsistent contentment.
But enough of that, a little too personal I know. Now on to some fun stuff.

This is how I would have like to spent my Valentine's Day! lol. Nothing a good cuddle session can't solve.

10 Things you probably didn't know about sex & love.

Happy Valentine's Day from Jasmine Mans - February 14th. (love this)
Will you understand that I'm emotional and I cry. Will you promise you won't skip rocks on my puddles of tears... And if I ever fall asleep on your chest and you feel as if I belong there. Can you whisper in my ear, "Happy Valentine's Day". Though I believe that I'm your misses right. Though I can be very wrong."  

Love, love, love Ryan Gosling & Bulldogs! 
 My TIP of the day - always wonder where all those scrunchies & bobby end up? This will help!

GREAT! I do both.

I am signing up for some summer class at
IUPUI! I'm super excited to be furthering my edu-ma-cation!

I almost forgot to add... I have on my new fav Rachel Roy sweater as well as high-waist slacks from Niche Boutique. Not really a pink wearing person but thought it was fitting to splash some pink on my nails for the holiday. (oh yea today is def a good messy bun day!) Def. ready to hit up Kilroy's with coworkers after this busy week I've had.

Hope you all have a great evening! XO

Monday, February 13, 2012

As of late.

Where to begin? I have not written in awhile now. (#pause every time I say awhile in my head I purposely pronounce the ‘H’. Thank you Family Guy!) I haven’t updated my blog because I have been so busy living and taking in all that has been happening around me. I now finally have the time to sit down and record my findings.

I guess I will start with this. About 2 weeks ago I decided to change some things up. I went to a new hair stylist Tark with J. Agan Salon. I was in there for wayy too long & paid wayy too much. But I am truly satisfied with the results. (Ombre hair color)

Not sure if I have mentioned this or not but I work for the Indiana Convention Center. During Super Bowl 46 we hosted the NFL Experience in our building. The outcome of this event as well as other events around the city to include the game turned out to be simply phenomenal. We could not have asked for more from the residents of Indiana they truly 'put on' for their city. Not to mention we were truly blessed to have such amazing weather.
Indianapolis had great reviews so hopefully the Super Bowl will return. Check this out.

Here are a few pictures I captured of found during the few weeks our city was turned over to the NFL. I wish I would have taken more pictures but until I get my iPhone (when the 5 comes out) this is the best you will get :)

(left to right) Indy 500 cars on the Circle // Me petting a polife horse after the Wiz concert // My best friend Antoine & I getting ready to zip line. (check out the video)  // view from above // High School friends Morgan & Antoine // JW Marriott // Genevieve & I @ Sensu

I am finally back to my regular sleep pattern which means I will finally get back to hitting the gym today. I need to do better. Finding the motivation is damn near impossible.

A few other highlights that have been happening while I have been away:

- One of my closest cousin's that moved to Oregon when I was 13 contacted me recently via Facebook. The message he sent me was very heartfelt. it really touched a place that I did not realize was there. Growing up we were almost inseparable. I am excited to begin learning about his new life out there and also sharing mine. We have both grown up a lot and grown apart but that can always change.

Although, he hasn't blogged since 2009 check out his Wordpress. That is one thing I do miss about him and our relationship whenever he was around my imagination would run wild we would write and make up stories that were so ridiculous but yet so important to us. And his drawing ability is unparalleled. Take a look at some more of his work here.
- Pictures of Blue Ivy Carter. She is truly a goregous baby!

- New York Fashion Week!

- The Every Girl launches sometime this week. (tomorrow I think!) very excited what it has to offer.

- They Grammy's!
Who did you think was best dressed? - Mine were Katy Perry, Adele, Gwenyth Paltrow and my Fav was probably Kelly Osbourne She looked amazing!
What were some of your favorite performances? - I really enjoyed Rihanna's & Coldplay medely (that reminds me to download that song now ;) and Jennifer Hudson singing the Whitney Houston dedication. My heart goes out to her fmaily. She will be truly missed.

- I saw ' Safe House' & 'The Vow' both were amazing. 'The Vow' had me really feeling some kind of way... or maybe it was the Jameson & Ale.

- The Hunger Games trailer! I can't wait until this comes out in March. Maybe I should finish the 3rd book now!

- 4 Super cute DIY nail ideas.

- endings & beginnings.

- Recently uncovered pics of MM. loveee

- I know I'm late but a story Khloe Kardashian Odom blogged about that was very touching.

 Sad but this pretty much sums up my life esp. my love life right now. I mean this makes me laugh but yea... I love this quote from Justin Timberlake in 'Friends With Benefits' - " Why do relationships always start off soo fun and then turn into suck-a-bag-of-dicks?" soooo true! womp!

With that being said since it is Music Monday I will leave you with a link to one of my favorite Whitney Houston song's, 'When You Believe'. A duet with Mariah Carey.