My first post.

- I just wanted to write my FIRST post and greet myself. I'm Lindsay M from Indianapolis, Indiana. I'm a twenty something recent Purdue University graduate. I'm a Cancer, I love Mariah Carey and Peanut M&M's. I have also recently begun my career as an Event Coordinator. I have been meaning to start a blog for awhile now. It began when I started my tumblr page and then moved on to Pinterest. I know you are probably wondering why I am connected to so many different sites but I really am using them for all different purposes.
- I also wanted to begin a blog to blog my progress on a personal project I am working on. I will be twenty-five in six months and I wanted to spend the next six months of my life doing things I have never done before to better myself and better my community. My second post will be 25 Things to do before I'm 25.
- I titled my sites More Linds 1. My name is Lindsay Morrison and 2. Because I want you to see more of myself. Not necessarily in a very intimate way but my interests, thoughts and beliefs. This blog will be dedicated to giving you more. More music, more style, and just plain more.
Good Start