More than likely you are exactly where you need to be. I know this is hard to realize sometimes but you really are. Everything works out exactly how it is supposed to. At frist you do not understand or why but just be patient, it will all come together. : )
My little rant for the day. This has been a long stressful week for myself. Only thing keeping me together this week is this Big Apple Red, OPI Nail Polish. I have on is making me feel bossy. How has your week been? What are your plans for the weekend?

This is my last weekend off for awhile. The next 3 weekends in a row I will be working and super busy with Super Bowl &
NFL Experience going on in our building.
Tonight I am going to the opening of
REPRESENT with my grandmother. This exhibit at the Indiana State Museum presents works of art by African-Americans from Indiana. I am really excited to be apart of the task force planning committee. Should be pretty cool & maybe I can sneak in a few cocktails too ;)
I also for sure want to finish the 3rd book in the Hunger Games series, Mockingjay. Other than that I really have no plans! I reallly need to clean out my closet and donate some clothes, lol to make room for some new ones!
Here are a few weekend reads I sugeest you totally take a look at.
Check out Krystal's post,
Suit Yourself! loveee all these match ups!
Last for sure check out
Double Your Pleasure. I know I am guilty of this every time. This post goes into discussing how just by double checking you can save so much money each year. Every little bit adds up. Take note!
Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Hopefully I get a chance to
Devour Downtown before it ends on the 22nd (SUNDAY!)